
Canadian Securities Exam Fast-track Study Guide

Whether your career aspirations lie in banking, financial planning, the mutual fund industry or a brokerage, you can't avoid taking the Canadian Securities Exam. But there's a lot of material to know for the day of the examination, and it can be a daunting task to assimilate such a wide body of knowledge. The Wiley Canadian Securities Exam Fast-Track Study Guide is a quick-review tool that covers all the basics you need to know to pass the exam. It presents 'quick hits' of the key points you need to know, in language that's easy to understand and follow. This concise study aid: • summarizes the essential, 'need-to-know' information • highlights important topics • features multiple choice review questions at the end of each chapter • makes material easy to read, understand and remember • includes two practice exams and double the number of review questions in the last edition This edition has been completely updated and revised to reflect recent changes to the course and the exams.

Canadian Securities Exam Fast-track Study GuideCanadian Securities Exam Fast-track Study Guide

It features updates throughout, new questions and new practice exams, and it has been restructured for ease of use and comprehension. Don't let the stress and amount of material you need to know for the exam overwhelm you. Prepare yourself with the Wiley Canadian Securities Exam Fast-Track Study Guide. It's the perfect quick-review tool to wrap up your studying and help you focus on doing your best on the exam.

Available in: Paperback. A concise and practical guide to preparing for the Canadian Securities Exam For anyone dreaming of a career in the. Available in: Paperback. A concise and practical guide to preparing for the Canadian Securities Exam For anyone dreaming of a career in the. Buy the Paperback Book Canadian Securities Exam Fast-Track Study Guide by W. Goldspot Tally Of The Yes Men Rar. Sean Cleary at, Canada's largest bookstore. + Get Free Shipping on. - Whether your career aspirations lie in banking, financial planning, the mutual fund industry or a brokerage, you can't avoid taking the Canadian Securities Exam. But there's a lot of material to know for the day of the examination, and it can be a daunting task to assimilate such a wide body of knowledge. Canadian Securities Exam Fast-Track Study Guide.

Whether your career aspirations lie in banking, financial planning, the mutual fund industry or a brokerage, you can't avoid taking the Canadian Securities Exam. Cost Estimation Handbook Australian Mining Companies. But there's a lot of material to know for the day of the examination, and it can be a daunting task to assimilate such a wide body of knowledge.

The Wiley Canadian Securities Exam Fast-Track Study Guide is a quick-review tool that covers all the basics you need to know to pass the exam. It presents 'quick hits' of the key points you need to know, in language that's easy to understand and follow. This concise study aid: • summarizes the essential, 'need-to-know' information • highlights important topics • features multiple choice review questions at the end of each chapter • makes material easy to read, understand and remember • includes two practice exams and double the number of review questions in the last edition This edition has been completely updated and revised to reflect recent changes to the course and the exams. It features updates throughout, new questions and new practice exams, and it has been restructured for ease of use and comprehension. Don't let the stress and amount of material you need to know for the exam overwhelm you. Prepare yourself with the Wiley Canadian Securities Exam Fast-Track Study Guide.

It's the perfect quick-review tool to wrap up your studying and help you focus on doing your best on the exam. Sean Cleary, CFA, is the BMO Professor of Finance and the Director of the Master's of Management in Finance, Queen's School of Business, Queen's University. Cleary has taught numerous university finance courses and has also taught preparatory courses and seminars for the Canadian Securities Exam. Textbooks he has co-authored include Introduction to Corporate Finance (1st and 2nd editions), Introduction to Corporate Finance, Finance in a Canadian Setting (6th Edition) and Investments: Analysis and Management (first three Canadian editions). Cleary is an internationally renowned researcher whose research has appeared in the world's top finance journals. He appears frequently in the media.