Coaxial Drivers Diy

NEW Matt presents bias and operation data for the 6V6 tube in SE operation - DIY Audio Projects Forum Welcome to the DIY Audio Projects Message Forum. Use these forums to discuss Hi-Fi audio and to share your DIY Audio Projects. And required to post messages and view the file attachments. Registration will only take a minute and registered users do not see any advertisements. Return Man 6 Linebacker University. After you have completed the online registration process, check your email (including spam/junk folder) for the verification email to activate your account. New members are under moderation - so your posts will not be visible until approved by a moderator.
See the to get started on the forum. I tried to out smart myself my padding down, right from the start, the very efficient dome tweeter in the Bayma. What I discovered tonight is I had suppressed the tweeters far too much. By only dropping the tweeters a few db all the treble and mid range came back. I had felt the sound a little cardboardy before. But after bring up the tweeters about 4db that 'honky' sound has gone.
The spin-off is there is a little more volume. About 4db (lol). Treble has lifted. I also tried my 0.5W UX-171A tube power amp with a newly a Parley (comision job) and the Beymas VoXConcentriC. 98db efficient big drivers worked extremely well with the uP amp. But Parley is the secret that drives the whole system. I'm about to make a new 2-way Xover for the Beymas.

This time Xing at 1600hz and a third order Xover on the tweeter section and first on the woofer section. I have now a third order on my smaller 2-ways, VoXDeuX, which I am yet to listen to fully. I finished the Xover, installed it and had a few listens.
I'm not sure this has been a good step. I have read where on the new Zu(s) they use two very efficient large drivers and a tweeter.
SEAS DIY KITS; SEAS VINTAGE DRIVERS. 12cm coax: VC diam: Fo: VAS: QTS: Features. Prestige Coaxial drivers. SEAS DIY KITS. The R&D lab recently decided to see what could be accomplished by applying our state of the art Excel technology to a coaxial. Excel Coaxial Drivers.