
Com624g Download

I have a question about using COM624 with seismic loads. There is an option for the loading to be 'cyclical'. I assume this is what I want for seismic loading. Is this a correct assumption? If I check 'Y' then I am asked how many cycles? What would be an appropriate number?

This is the same method used in COM624. (Download COM624. Windows Serial Console Programing. COMPARISON OF MOST POPULAR PILE ANALYSIS SOFTWARE. AllPile: LPILE: APILE: COM624P. Microprocessor Design Using Verilog Hdl Ebook Login there.

Next question has to do with the soil modulus 'k'. Should this value be adjusted for seismic loading?

Com624p Download

Then I have a question about the p-y curves. If the program is doing cyclic loading does it adjust the p-y curves accordingly. In some literature I read it tends to indicate it does. Uni En Iso 13786 Pdf. RE: Seismic Loading using COM624. In COM624 parlance, 'cyclic' means repeated loading - but not the seismic variety.