
Contarex Bullseye Manual Meat

Contarex Bullseye Manual MeatContarex Bullseye Manual Meat

Zeiss Ikon Contarex Bullseye Camera with Carl Zeiss 50mm lens. Click here to continue to contarex booklet. Click here to continue to contarex pdf manual. Click here to continue to zeiss ikon contarex - french.

Wow very impresive pictures. Better you than me if you are trying to take this thing apart.

I read a lot about working on this model on from Henry Scheer. It's just one person's opinion etc but it convinced me this was way out of my league.

Download Time Tech F10 Software Programs there. I hope meanwhile you have used the camera? Those lenses I've read everywhere were immaculately prepared and your photos of the camera and lens on your site are incredible. Does indeed make one lust after a Contarex.

I also read with interest the review from Popular Photography?? I was struck by the criticism of the finder. I have a late model Contaflex which fits this description and my criticism is the same. I find it hard to work with.

I blamed it on the fresnel screen, but that only serves to make the screen brighter. The only part that seems to focus is the middle part and then I get frustrated and use the split-image RF. Stapanul Inelelor Free Torent Website. It seemed the users that knew or had some experience with this screen praised it, but I'm on the dissenting side. It's hard to use.

They mentioned that other screens were or would be available on lesser models. This was a marvel of design but too little too late for the market. I prefer the aesthetic appeal of the later models but thats just me. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I would welcome a chance to tryout any Contarex! Neat color pictures!

They bring back sad memory of my one attempt to self-repair a vintage manual 35mm SLR, in this case, a Mamiya-Sekor T100 or something like that. The camera looked ok at the throft store, so I bought it. But when I got it home I discovered it had 'issues'. Decided to take it apart and try to fix the 'issues. The deeper I got into it, the more lost I got.

I ended up with a decent normal lens and a pile of parts. Lesson learned. Reparing a vintage camera is definitely one of those areas where you need to know your limitations and when to send it to an experienced repair shop. BTW, anyone out there want to buy a Mamiya-Sekor normal lens from a vintage Mamiya-Sekor SLR? Alan, maybe your camera was a 1000TL or 1000DTL. It seems that the eBay prices for Mamiya-Sekor normal lenses for 35mm SLRs are rising a little. These are known to be very good optically.

Interestingly, it has been alleged that the Mamiya-Sekor 55mm/1.4 lens (along with its Rolleinar-MC cousin for the Rollei 35mm SLR) uses a formula traceable to Zeiss' for the Contarex, so we've come full circle! El Poder De La Palabra Hablada Florence Scovel Pdf Reader. See: (scroll down to near the bottom) Mamiya also made a really sharp 50mm/2.0 lens; I wonder if this design, too, might have had some Zeiss lineage.