
Cracked Ground Texture Photoshop Tutorial

Cracked Ground Underwater 3D Floor Graphic Tutorial Well-executed 3D Floor Graphics are a sure way to stop viewers in their tracks. But creating them has always presented a mystery and difficulty for designers. Today we will share our simple method for creating any floor graphic with a “cracked ground” effect.

Cracked Ground Texture Photoshop Tutorial

The texture on the tabletop was created by blending. Check out my “Create a Paint Brush in Photoshop” tutorial. Browse All Smashing Magazine Topics. A huge collection of essential Photoshop tutorials for creating backgrounds and working with textures. Today we will share our simple method for creating any floor graphic with a “cracked ground” effect. For this tutorial. Into Photoshop. Texture so that.

For this tutorial, we will use an underwater ocean photograph featuring a school of sharks. Step 1 In Adobe Illustrator, create an over (or circle) using the shape tool. Select a color close to the color of the floor that the graphic will be installed on. Step 2 Next, select your shape and navigate to Effect >Roughen & Transform >Roughen. You can adjust the settings until you achieve your desired effect. After that, with your shape selected navigate to Object >Expand Appearance.

Step 3 Copy and paste your shape. Change the color of the new shape to black or dark grey and scale it down slightly.

Position it toward the bottom of the first shape. Step 4 Select both shapes, navigate to the Blend Tool (W) and click the edge of the first shape and then the second shape (with the Blend selection tool). This will create a gradient effect like pictured below. Step 5 For this next step, we will bring the graphic into Photoshop. Create a new document in Photoshop at the desired size of your final printed graphic.

Give yourself some extra space on the sides and top of the graphic to work with. Place the graphic as pixels.

Step 6 Head back over to Illustrator and select the inside (darker shape) using the Direct Selection Tool (A). Copy & Paste the shape into Photoshop.

Resize the shape to fit into the darker inside shape in Photoshop. We changed the color to blue so it was easier to see while resizing. Step 7 Its time to add some texture so that the graphic doesn’t look like so “computer generated”. We took an image of a cement basement wall to create our texture source. Step 8 Copy and paste your texture, scaling it down and repeating around the edge of the hole graphic. We used the Free Transform Tool to skew the cement texture image to better form to the graphic. Lower the transparency of the image a tad also helped with the process.

Use your creative juices for this step! Step 9 For this step, we will use our two separate graphic layers to cut excess of the cement texture image. With the cement texture layer selected, Control click the inside shape layer to create a selection (the blue shape in our example). Delete the selection to remove the texture that overflows into the blue shape. We will repeat the step to remove the outer excess texture image only for this step we have to Control click the larger shape layer (with the texture image selected) and navigate to the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M), Right Click near the graphic and Select Inverse. Delete the excess texture image to leave you with something like the image below. Step 10 The soften the effect of the texture we changed the layer mode to Soft Light and lowered the transparency to 80%. Depeche Mode Best Of Rare.