
Exescope 6 41 Download Yahoo

Exescope 6 41 Download Yahoo

EXeScope is a small, yet reliable application designed to provide users with a simple method to extract, edit and rewrite executable files without tampering with the EXE’s functionality. If you’re a programmer, then situations where you want to unpack and modify an application are surely familiar to you.

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Rebuilding the application all over again costs time and efforts, not to mention that interfering with the libraries may cause bugs and crashes. To avoid such consequences, you can use eXeScope, a software innovation that makes it possible to customize EXE files on the go. EXeScope comes in a very light package and does not need installation, which means you can also carry it around on a removable drive to have it at your disposal whenever you need it. Mestrenova Mac Torrent.

The list of supported input formats includes EXE, DLL, OCX, VBX, OLB, SCR, FON and CPL, while the output is exported to Resource files (RC). These can be compiled with third-party applications such as to obtain the repacked executable.

EXeScope’s main window is simple, yet user-friendly, with all of its functions bundled in a few menus. As soon as you add the file to be modified (source code is not needed), the application unpacks, extracts and displays all its resources, which you can handle individually. Amongst the items you can change, we were able to notice fonts, menus and arrangement of dialogues. You can edit strings, insert or delete new lines and add submenus, to name the most important operations that are allowed.

All of these are performed directly inside the code. Cummins Incal December 2012 Melisa. In conclusion, eXeScope is a decent choice for developers who are looking to modify the code without much effort. Its greatest upside is that the source code is not required to perform the changes. It’s user-friendly, easy to use and targets all user audiences.

Amon's File Informator Analyzer 1.60 CC 1.1b8 CheckExe 1.17 CryptoSearcher Dragon UnPACKer 5rc4 Eva Cleaner Exe Info 1.7 Exe Scan FArc 1.24 File Analyzer 1.7 File Detect 1.0.12 File Inspector 1.0 File Scanner 1.0 File Spy 1.5.431 FileInfo 3.01 FileType 1.26 GetTyp for DOS 2.60 GetTypW 2000 0.30 idArc Imhotep Lame PE Analyzer Language 2000 LGFV 2.10 MapAll 0.35 MultiRipper 2.80 PE Edit 1.0 PE Scan 3.31 Peek 1.1 PEiD 0.93 ProcAddress 1.0 ProtectionID 5.0 Retool 1.07 Ripper 5.00 ScanEXECOM 2.00 String Reaper 2 String Search 3.03 TrID 1.55 Typ_D32 (DOS) 2003 VBREF 2.2 Wark 1.2.