Hack Fonera 2100

Kolofonium is the new hack for La Fonera routers with 0.7.2 firmware loaded to enable SSH. It is described in detail. The hack is really simple: All one must do is login to your La Fonera and change the nameserver (DNS) of your La Fonera to and reboot. What this does is allow Stefan’s website to send the hack back to your router for you. Meaning you don’t really have to do a thing.
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After the router reboots you should be able to connect via SSH. This should work with other firmwares, too so please leave feedback. Please change the nameserver according to your ISP or network setup after the reboot. Working on latest firmware release 0.7.1-2. To enable just do the following: • connect to web interface of la fonera via “My place” • change the dns to 88.198.165. Microsoft Publisher File Converter Shareware. 155 • reboot la fonera • Download Putty and Connect via ssh access • change the DNS entry once logged in to the one of your choice ( I suggest OpenDNS ) If you are not familiar with OpenDNS i suggest you go to I just added it to all my routers 🙂 its very simple and saves time. Well i like how it hacks it remotely but it doesn’t look like it keeps ssh enable and auto update disabled.
So i followed everything upto ip_address -l 192. Ck2 Save File Editing App. 168.1.254/24 -h fis init load -r -v -b 0x80041000 root.fs fis create -b 0x80041000 -f 0xA8030000 -l 0x002C0000 -e 0x00000000 rootfs load -r -v -b 0x80041000 vmlinux.bin.l7 fis create -r 0x80041000 -e 0x80041000 -l 0x000E0000 vmlinux.bin.l7 fis create -f 0xA83D0000 -l 0x00010000 -n nvram after i load root.fs and want to load it the fon never does anything i tryed 3 times and once left it for 20 mins •.