
How To Install Sepm With Sql Command

With Command Sql Server

If the SQL tools are installed to a non standard location, click Browse,and locate the SQL tools installation folder (this folder will include the files bcp.exe and SQLCMD.exe), then click Open to Open. If the SQL tools are not installed to the computer, install them to the SEPM computer before proceeding with the rest of the MSCW. You can install the SQL tools from the installation media for your version of Microsoft SQL server. If you do not have acess to the installation media for your version of Microsoft SQL server, download the SQL Server Native Client and SQL Server Command Line Utilities for your version of SQL Server from Microsoft.

INSTALLATION OF SEP COLLECTOR 4.3 ON SEP MANAGER 11 MR3 WITH SYBASE Requirements: - SEP MANAGER 11 MR3 WITH SYBASE - SEP COLLECTOR 4.3 Step 1: Install the Collector and Agent on the SEP Manager and register the collector on the SSIM appliance • Register the collector on the appliance by HTTPS Connect to the appliance by HTTPS and go to “Collector Registration” and register the.sip file from the “SIP” folder of the SEP collector 4. Wolfram Alpha Pro Account Cracking. 3. • Run LiveUpdate on earlier collectors If you install a 4.3 collector on the SEPM server that has an earlier collector on it, you must first run LiveUpdate on all components of the earlier version of the collector. The update of the earlier collector must be completed before you install the 4.3 collector. • Install the Symantec Event Agent on the SEP Manager Sybase (SEPM) server Symantec Event Agent 4.5.0 build 12 or later is required. Download the Symantec Event Agent from the appliance by HTTPS page in the DOWNLOADS menu.

Install Sepm

• Install the collector component on the SEPM server Run the Install.bat from the “Install” folder of the SEP collector 4.3. • Run LiveUpdate of the SEP Collector on the SEPM server Run the Runliveupdate.bat file from c: program files symantec event agent collectors symcep folder on the SEPM server. • Download and extract the Sybase JDBC driver to the SEPM server Download the Sybase JDBC driver to the collector computer from the Sybase Web site at the following URL: The Sybase driver is named Sybase jConnect 6.0.5 for JDBC. Copy the Sybase JDBC file to the SEPM server and extract the Sybase JDBC driver into the folder c: tools sybase-jdbcdrivers jConnect-6_05 jConnect-6_0 classes.

In this path should be located the driver file jconn3.jar. If you cannot find the driver from the above url, you can copy the driver off the SSIM appliance in this location: /opt/Symantec/simserver/collectors/drivers. Copy the files into the path C: tools sybase-jdbcdrivers jConnect-6_05 jConnect-6_0 classes Step 2: Create a read-only database user account for Sybase and assign the correct permissions to views and tables in the sem5 database. • YOU CAN BYPASS THESE STEP IF YOU WANT TO USE THE “DBA” USER On the SEPM server, start the Interactive SQL program. On Windows, this program is named dbisqlc.exe.