Last Hope Rom Download
Click to expand.No, it should work with unmerged partitions equally. I've switched also from Ivans AOSP to bugers LastHope without merging my partitions. But after he has released his newest version i've decided to switch to merged partitions to prevend any storage problems and to change CWM to TeamWin Recovery. But the problem that a rom cant see the internal storage for me is mainly based on a partitioning error so that the way using M1chas flash tools seems to be the best and the most clean solution. If you need additional help dont hesitate to ask, you're welcome.
@: you should have so called 'merged/unified data & storage partition' layout. As I understand, there are more ways how to modify the partition layout, I used Micha's flashtools (search xda-developers in Mi2 forums, Micha calls it 'aries_core_unified_single'). After flashing in fastboot, you must format all partitions (system, data, cache) in recovery (TWRP / Wipe / Advanced / Change FS). If recovery says something about 'not formatting /data/media', then format 'data' as ext2 and then again as ext4. You should have 'data' partition of much bigger size than 3.5 GB eventually. While in TWRP, you may want to have a look at 'TWRP / Mount' and set location where your storage is - although this may not be needed for flashing CM12.1 or Gapps, but may be needed to make nandroid backups.
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EDIT: ah, sorry for repeating what.bastian and others wrote. I overlooked it. Does anybody have the SIM Toolkit app in app drawer?
It seems missing and I need it to access my bank account:-( CM12. Coven Comic Download on this page. 1 github repository has it: I looked at various forums and tried to set 'SIM PIN required' but still no go. Also, I have not found the stk.apk at all. There is a bunch of stk.apk on the internet, but I do not believe it is wise to install it [1].
(I tried to install one and it wants almost every authorisation, including location, record audio, etc. It seems to me redundand.) [1] EDIT: I tried to push stk.apk from CM12.1 by Micha into /system/app, but it did not work.
CatLog showed a permission err. Hmm - that ROM looks very interesting and I guess it's *really* about time to install a newer ROM since I'm still on MK44.4-aries-150131-HISTORY. But I have to admit that I'm quite confused about the steps I have to take to install that ROM I've read so many threads with even more advices that I completely lost it. I have a MI2S 16Gb with the old partition layout that I just modified with to expand the system partition. TDB is disabled and the recovery is CWM if I remember correctly. Any help would be more than appreciated! Click to expand.MK44.4 was also my absolutely favourite, but you can be sure that you wont go back again if you've tried a good working LP Rom.
And indeed bugers last release seems to be the best so far. I recommend you to do it like this: • Make a Backup of your Apps with TitaniumBackup or a similar App and save all the files including your pictures etc. On your computer. MK44.4 was also my absolutely favourite, but you can be sure that you wont go back again if you've tried a good working LP Rom.
And indeed bugers last release seems to be the best so far. I recommend you to do it like this: • Make a Backup of your Apps with TitaniumBackup or a similar App and save all the files including your pictures etc. On your computer.
Click to expand.Thanks for your reply I'm also not on Windows, i use a virtual machine to do all the phone stuff. Until there is also a python based flashtool i`m sure there is also a way using linux/unix but sadly i dont know exactly how to use it. Maybe one of the other guys here cann tell us more about it. Edit: In my opinion there is also another way to get your Mi2 LP ready, but with the difference that you have to use the old partition layout: • Backup all your data and save it on your computer - as usual • Put file and Bugers Rom on your phone storage, we'll need them later. • Download IVAN's modified CWM-Version • Reboot your Mi2 in fastboot mode ->PowerButton+Vol.Down • Connect your phone to your computer and fire up the terminal • Test the connectivity of your phone with 'fastboot devices' ift this succeeds enter the following.