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Connect to a Database It is easy to connect your project to an existing database Connect with your database ( MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Interbase, SQL Azure, Amazon Aurora, Firebird, Access, Oracle, MS SQLServer, DB2, SyBase, Informix or ODBC layer) and generate web applications based on your tables, simply and safely. Make the data access and maintenance an uncomplicated step! Use your worksheets to create apps Scriptcase offers an XLS, CSV and ACCESS spreadsheet import and conversion features for the databases supported by Scriptcase. Grace Potter And The Nocturnals 2010 Rapidshare Movies. With this import tool you can easily transform your spreadsheets into system applications. Build web applications RAD - Rapid Application Development Use our modern, intuitive, and powerful browser-based environment to quickly build and run web apps such as forms, reports, pivot, tables, charts, maps, PDFs, dashboards, and menus. This makes iterative development easy. Use the Business intelligence concept to build management dashboards.