Pc Pakratt Software Download
Finite Element Design Concrete Structures Rombach Pdf Creator. Manuals and Datasheets. Discovers the COM ports on the PC and displays all the information on them. Does not show binary COM ports. Nov 29, 2015 Packet Rat PK-232 easy set up on Windows PC HamNoob. Packet Radio with FT-2900r and the Pakratt 232 TNC - Duration: 6:22. Pcomp 5,593 views.

I acquired a used AEA DSP232 and a disk for the PakRatt for Windows software, V2.0. Wondered if anyone out there has a manual for this software? And/OR, if anyone has the 2.1 disk and manual they wanted to part with? Your experience running this on win3.11 vs. Win95 would also be appreciated. I'm trying to pull together some packet gear on a short budget - got a free laptop with Win3.11 on it, and it seems to talk to the DSP232 as well as run the software, but while I have a manual for the DSP232, nothing for the windows software. I do have the older DOS PakRatt disks and manual.
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