
Prepar3d Serial Number


On Thursday, February 18, 2010, a U.S. Federal trademark registration was filed for PREPAR3D by, Bethesda, MD 20817. The USPTO has given the PREPAR3D trademark serial number of 77938453. The current federal status of this trademark filing is CONTINUED USE AND INCONTESTIBILITY ACCEPTED. The correspondent listed for PREPAR3D is of McDermott Will & Emery LLP, 4 Park Plaza, Suite 1700, Irvine, CA 92614.

Jul 14, 2017 Hi, I've purchased a number of Carenado aircraft from The FlightSim Store that have now been updated for v4, however new serial numbers are required. From small to large airports, including hangars, terminals, jetways. REX Simulations has won over 16 prestigious industry awards! REX Essential Fsx To Prepar3d.

The PREPAR3D trademark is filed in the category of. The description provided to the USPTO for PREPAR3D is Computer simulation software for simulating the operation of vehicles. Why is this contact information displayed? The USPTO makes this data available for search by the public so that individuals can locate ownership information for intellectual property, much the same way a county might make real estate property ownership information available. Since our website is synchronized with the USPTO data, we recommend making any data changes with the USPTO directly. Our website will auto-update when the USPTO data is updated.

You may also contact Trademarkia to make a request for the removal of your personally identifiable information or trademark data. Such requests must be made in writing and will be subject to verification of ownership. This policy allows verified trademark owners to specify: (A) that their identifiable information be masked, or (B) that their trademark pages permanently deleted from Requests may be made directly to and every effort will be made to honor them within 48 hours. Mark Drawing Code: Standard Character Mark Design Search: (NO DATA) Register Type: Principal Disclaimer: (NOT AVAILABLE) Correspondent.

Trademarkia is the largest search engine for U.S. Torrent Lost Season 6 Episode 18 on this page. Each month hundreds of trademarks around the world are filed by licensed attorneys in the LegalForce/Trademarkia network!

You can in the world through LegalForce Network. LegalForce Network can help you incorporate a business around your PREPAR3D trademark in less than 5 minutes. Trademarkia makes the process easy and convenient, so is a free search engine of publicly available government records. is not a law firm and does not represent owners & correspondents listed on this page.