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CS 583: Introduction to Computer Vision CS 583: Introduction to Computer Vision Spring 2017 [] [] [] [] Time/Room Monday 6:00-8:50PM@University Crossings 149 Instructor e-mail: kon office: University Crossing 100G phone: (215) 895-2678 office hours: Monday 1:00-2:00pm or by e-mail appointment TA Paras Wadekar e-mail:psw36 office: Cyber Learning Center office hours: Please check CLC schedule Announcements If you are enrolled in the online section CS583-900 and you do not know where the online presentations are, send the instructor an email. All course materials including lecture slides and notes, and assignments will be posted on BlackboardLearn. [] Syllabus Overview The goal of computer vision is to enable computers see the world. By using a camera as the eye of a computer, studies in computer vision seek to develop better means to capture and extract useful visual information from images and videos and to use such information to automatically interpret the beautiful world surrounding us.

This course provides an introduction to computer vision. The first half of this course will focus on fundamental models and algorithms in computer vision, including such topics as image formation, image sensing, image filtering, edge extraction, brightness and reflectance. Introduction To Protein Science Lesk Pdf To Jpg. In the second half, we will mainly focus on computer vision applications, including various algorithms for reconstructing 3D shape (shape-from-X, stereo, photometric stereo), and recognizing objects in images. Objectives This course aims for students to (1) understand and apply fundamental mathematical and computational techniques in computer vision and (2) implement basic computer vision applications. Prerequisites Basic (undergraduate-level) understanding of Linear Algebra and Calculus will be necessary. For the assignments, one will need to program in Python (example skeleton codes will be prepared). Assignments will require access to a digital camera.