The Torture Game 2 Skins
Response to 2008-07-03 03:20:31 At 7/3/08 01:45 AM, Rebel-V-Elite wrote: What sort of things would you expect (or want) from the next installment from The Torture Game? I want the guy to scream. I also want to use knives, a bat, beat him up with fists (hand icon), add more special spots, like how you kill him if you stab or shoot his heart and brain, I want him to feel pain when you cut or shoot his balls. I want to use electricity on him. Use acid on him (eats away his skin down to the muscle but if you add more on him, it gets to the bone, like how the razor does). Use laser stuff. Use fire Freeze him and then crack his limbs off (similiar to when you rip him off with the hand icon) Crush him, I don't.

Download Courageous Resolution Print Pdf more. Jul 03, 2008 What sort of things would you expect (or want) from the next installment from The Torture Game? Customizable skins, organs, and screams. Kongregate free online game The Torture Game 2. Take advantage of ad-free gaming, cool profile skins, automatic beta access, and private chat with Kong Plus.
Chuck rocks or boulders or something. I want to bruise him is basically what I'm looking for. I was not specific about fire, but I want to burn him. And on a side note, when you're using knives, you slice up a clean cut on his body.
Those are my ideas, not sure if any of them have already been suggested. Response to 2008-07-03 08:51:54 At 7/3/08 01:49 AM, Jamiko wrote: A woman to torture and more sex swings and padels plez Ok. Minus the sex swings and Padels. It would be interesting to have the choice between a man and and a woman.
But if that happened. There would most likely be some people crying 'IT PROMOTES VIOLENCE TWORDS WOMAN!!!1111' Here are a few things I'd like too see: 1) Voice acting. 2) Being able too see the bullets when you shoot them. 3) Gasoline and fire options. 4) Better graphics.
[Total: 116 Average: 4.4/5] Torture Game 2 is a Simulation game created by Cmann. This is a prominent and questionable game in which you get the opportunity to perpetrate torment on a ragdoll with an assortment of torment instruments. The ragdoll is your canvas, paint him, shoot him, skin him and hack him up to make a ridiculous perfect work of art! It permits the player to torment a gender ambiguous in-game character. It is crap cheddar my person like numerous other 'Pal' games, there is no set target to The Torture Game 2. Players can mangle a character utilizing an assortment of instruments, including rope, a razor, a few weapons, a cutting tool, spikes, and paint. These apparatuses will have extremely noticeable impacts on the character and lessening its wellbeing.
Wellbeing diminishes at various rates in view of which instruments are utilized where. For instance, a razor can be utilized everywhere throughout the character's body and evacuate all its skin without murdering it, while a shot to the head or the heart will slaughter immediately. It is additionally conceivable to modify the character's face utilizing a photo from the web. At the start, Torture Game 2 got away far reaching acknowledgment, winning no Daily or Weekly honors. In any case, the game turned out to be progressively notable. A follow up to the first permitting more opportunity. Perused the guidelines inside.
It would most likely be best to have the most recent blaze player introduced. A little overhaul: Changing the ropes length should now additionally be possible utilizing the here and there bolts. Confined appendages shouldn't take harm any more. Also, there is twice as much wellbeing. New added a shotgun and AK47. Additionally you can now transfer a photo to use set up of the default confront. Adobe Photoshop Cs5 Language Pack En_gb Download Chrome.
Test a few weapons of torment to ruin the body of the ragdoll. Your casualty is hostage, so you don't need to be anxious, that he will battle you like there's no tomorrow. Utilize the weapons, cutting tool, razor and other stuff to bring about as much torment and wounds as you attempt to splatter the dividers of the load with blood in the Torture Game 2.