Apogee Duet Drivers Snow Leopard Download For Pc

3 TEMPORARY WORKAROUNDS for 1st gen Apogee Duet and Lion 10. Quicken Qdf File Corrupted Itunes. 7 **Lion is still considered unsupported by Apogee at this point, so if you upgrade to Lion before Apogee releases an official update to Maestro or the Duet installer software, please don't cry about it here. Just try one of the workarounds below until Apogee releases their official software updates.
These workarounds are for those of us who just have to try all the new stuff, or those who updated unknowingly. Let me first state that Im not sure these work across the board, both solutions have worked for different users. Kittyflipping's method seems to work on both new and old machines, so try this process first. If that doesn't work, try #2 and see if that will work for your machine.
I was just wanting to know if anybody who uses the Apogee Duet audio interface and has upgraded to Snow Leopard Version 10.6 and downloaded Apogee's new Snow Leopard. Apogee Duet Drivers Snow Leopard Download Iso Wed. Cellmax Ret Software Store. As well as downloading the latest software updates for Logic Pro 9 and Apogee Duet. Apogee Lion drivers for. 5 Home Studio Production Soundcards Under $1000. Apogee USB ASIO Driver v. Compatible with Snow Leopard 10.6.7 and OS 10.5.8. Duet for Mac/PC/iOS. Duet FireWire. 10.6 and downloaded Apogee's new Snow Leopard Driver have had any. Apogee Duet & Snow Leopard New Driver Issue. Duet>Duet Downloads>Duet.
Here's the rundown. Problems/Symptoms: You have an original firewire Duet, and installed the latest Maestro/duet installer on your machine running Lion. The Duet initially would show up as an available core audio device in both Logic and system sounds, but would not play back audio.
If you try to playback audio or adjust the volume, the Duet would keep disappearing and reappearing as an available core audio device in Logic, same happens if trying to play from iTunes, etc. System sounds would show the Duet appearing and reappearing as an available device, but still NO audio. Tried rebooting, no dice. Permissions repair, reinstall Maestro, etc. And still the same issues. **Workaround solution #1 ** (From kittyflipping, also confirmed working by Smeeth123 and HoldernessMedia) 1. Open activity monitor 2.
Make sure 'all processes' is selected in the popup menu at the top of the window. Select DuetDaemon and force quit it. For me I've had to force quit it twice to actually kill it. The Duet should be working fine now. Try the volume knob on the Duet. Atoms Family Prequel Rar Extractor. *Additionally, even though the Duet volume knob works fine after this, and system preferences recognizes the Duet, for some reason the volume icon in the menu bar remains grayed out, and my volume up/down keys on MBP don't do anything.
So for anyone trying this, be sure and try the duet's volume knob if your keys aren't working. Also, on this solution, user Nitrus submitted this, using the kill duetDaemon method in an applescript. Click to expand. **Workaround solution #2** From Macrumors user VoiceofReason: (verified also by user vtk) 'I have read the fixes so far for the Apogee Duet under OSX Lion, e.g. Killing off 'duetDaemon', etc. Here's a new one.
Disconnect the duet, run the official uninstaller, and let it reboot. Then plug-in the Duet and re-select it as output device. Now, the Duet seems to work just fine and no killing of processes is needed. Of course, you can't go in and run Maestro b/c it doesn't exist, but when I killed of duetDaemon before it was annoying, it still didn't allow me to use the keyboard volume control for the Duet, and I was getting crackling audio with another drive running off the same firewire port. With THIS method (uninstalling the software) it at least works and you get volume control back.'
**Workaround solution #3 (Original)** (From HoldernessMedia, also confirmed working for aguaplano). Try this, in THIS EXACT ORDER. Opening Maestro BEFORE trying to do anything with audio is absolutely crucial. This also assumes that you already have the latest Duet installer/Maestro software from Apogee's site installed on your computer. (Version 1.9.14 at the time of this posting.) 1.) Reboot the computer. 2.) Do not touch the duet, or try to adjust volume yet. Seriously, don't do it yet.
If you do, you will need to reboot. 3.) Open Maestro, click on the 'identify unit' button. You will see the Duet's hardware meters go full into the red. Wait a second or so, then click the 'identify unit' button again. The Duet's hardware meters should return to normal. 4.) If need be, in Maestro unmute the Duet's outputs. 5.) Try playing audio out of the Duet now.
Try using it as normal in Logic, GarageBand, iTunes, whatever. Please, anyone who upgraded to Lion please report back here if this works for you, or if you find any further information! I hope this works for others, although I'm sure Apogee is already working hard to get it ready either before or shortly after Lion's release. Click to expand.What year/model machine are you using? I am not having any issues with the Duet on GM build of Lion. Aguaplano also has it working on his machine using this process, and the only common factor I can see is we are both on older 2008/2009 model MacBook pros.