Autocad Bearing Distance Input And Distance

How can I draw bearings and distances on Autocad 2006? For example I want to type in 145.1515 for 45 degrees 15 minutes and 15 seconds Northeast instead of @150. Not sure if this will help, but Autocad 2006 uses dynamic input (if you choose to).
Then specify the bearing angle (3) and the distance from the starting point (4). To specify a point using bearing and distance Click Home tabDraw panelCOGO drop-downCOGO Input. To use the Bearing/Distance routine transparently, start a command, such as PLINE or ARC, then enter ‘mapcogo. Works in polyline mode. Allows re- use or reset of snapangle, and forces orthomode. The routine will display the cumulative distance and the distance between the last.
The tab is at the bottom 'DYN'. When this is engaged, you will be able to tab through 3 areas. One is distance, once you enter that and tab to bearing (if set up as survey bearing), the distance is locked, or vise versa. Over the last 10 days been intimately involved laying out lots in a development (and learning CAD as I am going. Hope this helps.SurvCAD uses a different setup then AutoCAD does. You still have to type in S26d15'30'E, instead of 226.1530.
The first '2' is the quadrant the line lies in, the '26' is the angle in that quadrant, '15' is the minutes, and '30' is the seconds. SurvCAD has it setup this way by default because it's a little easier to use. How To Activate An Unactivated Psn Card Numbers. Thanks for the input though.
Select a starting point (1) and a quadrant (2). Then specify the bearing angle (3) and the distance from the starting point (4). To specify a point using bearing and distance • Click Home tab Draw panel COGO drop-down COGO Input. • To use the Bearing/Distance routine transparently, start a command, such as PLINE or ARC, then enter ‘mapcogo. • In the, select the Bearing/Distance routine. • For the first point of an object, specify a starting point.
For a later point in the object, the previous point for the object is the starting point. Click to select the point on the map.
• Enter the quadrant (NE, SE, SW, NW). If you are entering surveyor’s units, quadrant entry will be disabled. • Enter the angle. Click to specify the angle on the map. Use the current angular units setting, decimal values, such as 45.1111, or surveyor’s units, such as N 45d3'55' E. • Enter the distance from the starting point. Click to select the distance on the map.
Das Vergessene Dorf Pdf Editor How To Open Htc Sms Backup File On Pc. on this page. • Click Calculate. AutoCAD Map 3D calculates the new point, and previews it on your map. Click the Pan button to pan to the new point.