
Craigslist Auto Flagging Program

Craigslist Auto Flagging ProgramCraigslist Auto Flagging Program

Posts about craigslist ad flagging software written by reviews411. Craigslist auto flagging, craigslist auto poster, craigslist flagging program. Ahm 250 Material Pdf Reader on this page. Craigslist Auto Flagging Software stops the craigslist flaggers in their tracks, and tears down spam automatically! This is one of the the most important.

I response to your question and some of the responses. There is software out there, They are in the forms of browser script add on. Best to maybe edit one for your needs. To the person that wants to quote Craigslist's Term Of Service. There is no clear ownership of Craigslist, The are not U.S. Based as the FBI found out a couple years ago when someone tried to sell their kidney.

There is no official staff for the site, although there are a group of self righteous self appointed dictators the offer 'public moderation' Any issues with the site is a waste of time as in most areas it is simply a bad site, unregulated, unstaffed, and uncontrolled by any type of management. The only real course possible here would simply be a complaint to ican for the fact that they are supposedly offering a service which clearly they can not provide since there is no staff to it. How To Write Programs For Nintendo Ds. If ican gets enough complaints about this then they can and will pull their domain name. However given the problems that Craigslist has faced over the years it only proves that they are hidden, and that somewhere however actually owns it is hidden better then bin laden was.

The so called public moderators really don't care about your problems and will only add insult to injury if you even ask anything, well insult and degrade you for even asking the simplest question, and God forbid if you dare to criticize their sacred CL. Most of these public moderators are in the California area and while they have no authority or power to change anything on cl, at any request, their final answer is always the same.'

Since craigslist does offer a paid service believe it or not these public moderators can't seem to find anyone that you can pay for the paid part of craigslist. Yes it is really that out of control. Over the years while I have been to their sacred forums for help I actually ended up so mad that I posted a listing giving away their little source code. The entire site is 'automated' and script controlled with no human involvement. Further proof of this is think about it, when was the last time you went to a site and there were no ads from sponsors? As for a suggested solution to your issues, There isn't one really.

Most areas do have a local weekly shopper paper that will allow limited ad listing online for free but usually these have no following at all. The only other choice would be ebay which has it's own nightmares, but is better then CL since you actually can call them on the phone, you pay for a service which gives you certain legal rights. Sorry there isn't a better answer for you, but the truth is simply the truth.

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