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A: This problem is almost always the result of a permissions conflict. In order for multiple users to access Inspiration at the same time, the permissions for your users on the Inspiration folder on the server must be set to Read-Execute or Read-Filescan ONLY. Any write access will cause any user after the first to be locked out of the program.
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Once you have set the permissions correctly, multiple users should be able to run Inspiration from the server at the same time. For a platform-specific, technically-worded, full set of network install instructions, please click. A: As long as you are using Inspiration 7.0a or later, there are two ways to do this. The first method we describe assumes that you normally start Inspiration from the Start menu. The second method works for people who start Inspiration with a shortcut from their desktop.
To customize your Start Menu: 1. Click on the Start button.
Locate your shortcut to Inspiration. Right-click on the Inspiration shortcut. From the menu that appears, select Properties. A new window should appear.
Click on the Shortcut file tab. You should see a section called Start In. This is the directory that Inspiration will default to when opening and saving files. Just change this section so that it points to the directory where you store your Inspiration files. Once you're done with this, just OK or Close your way out of the windows that are open, and you should be done. To customize your shortcut: Select the Inspiration shortcut icon on the desktop.
Right-click to open the menu and select Properties. Now follow steps 5 and 6 above. A: The Arrange tool, found in the Diagram toolbar at the top of your Inspiration document window, is used to perform an automatic arrange of your already-created diagram based on preset, common arrangement types. To use it to arrange your whole diagram, simply click on the Arrange button. Select one of the types of diagrams, then click 'OK' to apply the arrangement to your whole diagram.
To use Arrange to arrange a portion of your diagram, begin by clicking on the main topic at the top level of the section you wish to arrange. Next, click on the Arrange button. Click on the check box next to the words 'Entire Diagram' so that it is unchecked. After choosing your preferred diagram settings, click 'OK' to apply this arrangement to this section of your diagram. If you should see a message that alerts you to a possible overlap of your symbols, note that choosing 'Rearrange' will rearrange the whole diagram. If you wish to keep the arrangement restricted to just this section, choose 'Overlap.'
This may overlap some symbols from this group over symbols in another section of the diagram. However, you can then drag the overlapping symbols away from each other. A: There are two ways to move your outline to another application.
The first is to copy your outline, then paste it into a document in the other application. The other option is to export your outline to a format that can be read or imported by another application.
To export your outline, choose Export from the File menu. In the window that appears, choose a text format, like Plain Text or RTF, that can be used with the destination application. Download Buku Fotografi Bahasa Indonesia Inggris on this page. Use the other program to open or import the exported text file. Depending on the application you're using, what you see should look similar to the outline you created in Inspiration--the exact format can vary with the application. A: There are two ways to include your Inspiration diagram in a document created by another application.
The first is to copy your diagram, then paste it into the other document. The other way is to export your diagram to an image format that the other application can use.
To export your diagram, choose Export from the File menu. In the window that appears, choose one of the image formats, such as PICT, WMF or JPEG--pick the one that is accepted by the destination application (check that application's help system if you're not sure what format to go with). In the other application, insert the exported diagram just as you would any other image file. A: You can share your Inspiration documents by exporting them as a file type that can be read by another application used by your colleagues and/or friends.
For example, you can export your outlines as RTF (rich text format) so that they can be read by Microsoft Word, Claris Works and other word processors. Inspiration outlines and diagrams can also be exported as HTML files, which can be viewed by any web browser.