Interfit Colorflash 300i Manually

Im not sure its the interfit 300i's thats confusing me, or studio lighting in general,I have a canon 20d,Ive been doing photography for a while just starting to get into studio lighting I recently purchased the interfit 1000 wt hallogen as my first light purchase,I found the pictures to be to yellow in color, someone told me to switch to a studio flash, and my problem would be gone.i purchased the interfit 300i 2 head kit.shooting some test photos, I got really confused. Some of the pictures were to dark, some were to bright.Im not sure what the dials on the lights do.there were no instructions.Im really new to lighting, and I sure I sound like I just picked up a camera for the first time.sorry.I was told i need a light meter so I can adjust my f not sure I know how to do that on my 20d.I just hope someone can explain to me what i need to do in pretty plain english..please. First, does the 20D allow full manual exposure? Install Windows Defender there. I'm pretty sure you will need that to get consistent exposures. The Interfit 300i looks pretty good from what I can see online. There should be one dial that sets the light output from full to 1/16th power (4 stop range).