
John Lewis Partnership Handbook For Employers

After 3 or 4 months you get 'yellow discount' this is 12% on everything in john lewis and waitrose. After 12 months you get 'red discount' this is 25% on everything non-electrical in john lewis. Waitrose and electrical items still only get 12% discount. Your family are not allowed to use the card, you can only use it for items that YOU yourself are using, therefore if you are buying something for someone else you are not allowed to claim discount on it. There are a lot of other rules as well that I have forgotten now - they are quite strict though.

You can however apply for someone to become your 'nominated beneficiary', basically you put in the application, it takes a year to process and that person can then use your discount as well providing certain criteria is met. For example, you are living with your girlfriend, you apply to make her your 'nominated beneficiary' then after 12 months if it has been approved they ask you if you still want them to have access to your discount card, then they are issued with their own discount card I think. As I said they are pretty strict and misuse usually ends up with the perpetrators losing their jobs.

The John Lewis Partnership: partner's handbook. John Lewis Partnership. John Lewis Partnership, retail company. Retail trade. The Guardian - Back to home. Employer-employee relations at John Lewis. (I should say at this point that everyone I speak to in the John Lewis Partnership. See what employees say about what it's like to work at John Lewis. Dich Teure Halle Wagner Pdf Writer. Salaries, reviews and more - all posted by employees working at John Lewis.

John Lewis Partnership Handbook For EmployersJohn Spedan Lewis